Sisters we need to talk..

About Visas

The bane of everyone’s lives for so many months. But I’m not talking about processing or chasing them up through the system, we need to talk about the fact that they are FREE!

We have had some disturbing reports of people wanting payments for finding sponsors or getting visas.

Many of us have even been asked what we charge for our services when helping with visa applications.

Free Stuff

I cannot stress more strongly – you DO NOT need to and SHOULD NOT pay for someone to become your sponsor or make a visa application for you.

If someone is asking for payment please decline and report them to a member of the admin team on our community Facebook page

Government Guidelines to Visa Applications:

#weneedtotalk #visa #free

Just to note: we are happy for the text of these posts to be shared to other groups if you think they are helpful, as long as they are shared accurately

"Sisters we need to talk about..." Is a series of discussion topics hosted by Sunflower Sisters on their private community group on Facebook.  The group is open to ladies only and is a support group for both sponsors and guests, you can take part in the debate by joining our private community homepage by clicking the button below.

This topic was originally debated on Facebook on 10/08/2022