Sisters we need to talk..

About The Cost of Living Payment (£650)

Cost of Living in the UK

As most of you will be aware prices are rising rapidly here in the UK at the moment. Our inflation rate is high and pressures of Global Energy Markets mean that everyday goods cost a lot more to produce then they did this time last year.

Everyone is feeling the pinch, especially those on lower / middle incomes!

To mitigate some of this pressure the government has proposed a ‘top up’ in the form of £650 paid to those receiving certain benefits:

  • Universal credit
  • Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Income support
  • Working tax credit
  • Child tax credit
  • Pension credit

(Quick note : those arriving in the UK in June and later do not receive this payment)

There are other smaller grants being paid to households also on a non means tested basis to help but the intention of the above is to help with rising costs of utilities and food.

The situation then that many sponsors find themselves in is that they are not eligible for this cost of living payment BUT the individuals / families that they are sponsoring ARE because it is being credited to the accounts of those on the benefits above even if they themselves are not responsible for payment of the household bills.

A strange situation for all and one definitely to be discussed within your households!

#weneedtotalk #costofliving #sharedcosts

Just to note: we are happy for the text of these posts to be shared to other groups if you think they are helpful, as long as they are shared accurately

"Sisters we need to talk about..." Is a series of discussion topics hosted by Sunflower Sisters on their private community group on Facebook.  The group is open to ladies only and is a support group for both sponsors and guests, you can take part in the debate by joining our private community homepage by clicking the button below.

This topic was originally debated on Facebook on 02/09/2022